by Lizbeth Russell | Aug 25, 2022 | Education, Herbal Insights, Nature Connections, Uncategorized, Wellness
Herbal Spotlight: Goldenrod (Solidago spp.) You know that Autumn is just around the corner when you see the goldenrod starting to bloom. The days are hot and lazy, the nights are getting cooler, and school is just around the corner. Goldenrod (Solidago...
by Lizbeth Russell | Jul 31, 2022 | Messages from the Linden Tree, Uncategorized
Messages from the Linden Tree, for August 2022 We have now reached the middle of the 3rd quarter of 2022. The year is moving swiftly, an incredible amount of personal change. The question is: Are you allowing this change to happen? Change can be...
by Lizbeth Russell | Jun 30, 2022 | Messages from the Linden Tree, Uncategorized
Messages from the Linden Tree, for July 2022 We are now beginning the 3rd Quarter of the year. We have seen a shift in energy from complacency to action. We are being called to step up and be the leaders of the change we wish for. No more hiding in the...
by Lizbeth Russell | May 31, 2022 | Messages from the Linden Tree, Uncategorized
Messages from the Linden Tree, for June 2022 We are rounding out the second quarter of 2022 – yes, already! The first 5 months of this year have flown and brought so much change. June, which starts off just after a new moon, is gearing up to be a bit of a...
by Lizbeth Russell | May 1, 2022 | Messages from the Linden Tree, Uncategorized
Messages from the Linden Tree, for May 2022 We are now halfway through the second quarter of 2022. How are we doing so far? Has it been a bit of a rollercoaster? Or has it been smooth sailing. My guess is: rollercoaster. So many...
by Lizbeth Russell | Apr 17, 2022 | Education, Herbal Insights, Nature Connections, Uncategorized, Wellness
As spring begins and the forsythia blooms, we begin to see our landscape get green and vibrant again. This is when many begin to clean up their yards and plan how to get rid of the “weeds.” STOP! Before you clear out the weeds, consider that there is health value in...