This week we begin and end with water and earth, telling us that change is coming, and we should remember to stay grounded and flow with the energies of creativity and growth.

“Trust the process.”

Use your resources – whether they are physical or spiritual. That’s what resources are there for.  Remember that Angels are able to help anyone, anywhere, at any time – you simply need to ask.


Make sure you are grounding yourself, and finding time to simply “be.” A simple, consistent practice of taking time out to do some deep breathing can be one of your most important tools.

Self-care is important.

Don’t neglect your physical body. Make sure you’re doing things to support you on the physical plain as well as spiritual. Eat as healthy as you can, get plenty of water, and rest. Pamper yourself.  You are worth it.


For this week’s reading, I am using Colette Baron-Reid’s The Good Tarot.

21 January – Sunday, 5 of Water     Often when we are releasing and healing, life becomes chaotic and it can feel like we have no control over what is happening. If you are experiencing this, take a moment to ground yourself, connect with your higher power, and be present in the moment. The chaos will pass.



22 January – Monday, 6 of Earth     Celebrate the gifts coming to you. Open yourself to receiving. If doubt creeps in, remember to ground and center; call in Spirit to help you balance. You are worthy of the miracles you see unfolding, Look forward to them with anticipation and joy.


23 January – Tuesday, Fortune’s Wheel     What you think is luck is actually the Universe unfolding to bring you the gifts you have been waiting for. The synchronicities are Divine Timing – don’t question or doubt what you are seeing & feeling. Enjoy the serendipity, and trust in the process.



24 January – Wednesday, 3 of Fire     Creativity and energy are your tools today, as you move into a time of expansion and growth. Your guides and angels are at your side, encouraging you, and bringing you the resources you need. Listen to what they are telling you.  Trust that you can do this.


25 January – Thursday, 2 of Fire     It can be challenging to find balance in the midst of change. If you’re feeling lost or overwhelmed, call in your Angels to help you. They are so proud of you for making the choice to move forward. Feel them with you. Breathe. Relax. Trust.


26 January – Friday, 8 of Earth     You have abundant ideas, but aren’t sure if they are “good enough.” Know that they are – and it’s time to step out of your comfort zone to begin creating. You are supported. Close your eyes and listen. Do you hear your angels cheering you on?





27 January – Saturday, Messenger of Water     Look back over the past week. What milestones have you reached? What have you learned about yourself? Do you see just how amazing you are? You are more powerful than you know – and it is time to step into your potential. You are so loved.  ♥






Daily Cards and Mindful Mandalas are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!


If you’d like to get a personal reading or energy session from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!


As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Life coach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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