With the first full week of Mercury Retrograde, we are finding it possible to step into our Personal Power.

When we do this, it is important that we act with responsibility.  Not only for ourselves, but for those around us, as well.  Use logic, and research what you don’t know, to get better informed.

Still, don’t forget to fully embrace your journey! There is magic in the air, and your manifesting skills are growing. You can do anything you set your mind to,




  • Follow your dreams.
  • Enjoy the journey.
  • Expect Miracles.
  • Be encouraged








“Second star to the right, and straight on ‘till morning.” ~ Peter Pan  (J.M. Barrie)





For this week’s readingI am using The Good Tarot by Colette Baron-Reid.


18 November – Sunday, 2 of Earth     Find balance between work and fun in your day-to-day activities.  Take time to incorporate fun or relaxing activities, which can help you be more productive at work. Be flexible in how things are manifesting, and enjoy the journey.

19 November – Monday, King of Air    Pause, breathe, and think. Do this before rushing into situations that may have a great impact on your life.  Allow logic and reason to calm the heat of an argument. You will have more influence by being level-headed.

20 November – Tuesday, 5 of Earth     Time to roll up your sleeves, and focus on what it is that you want. The energy you send out is what returns to you, including your fears. If you want positive change, expect it. It will come.

21 November – Wednesday, Empress     Possibilities are endless, you are able to bring forth anything you truly wish. Give birth to new ideas, watch them grow from a thought all the way to completion is about stepping into your power and allowing it to happen.

22 November – Thursday, Fortune’s Wheel     Watch for synchronicities, as they will lead you to opportunities for co-creating something you’ve been hoping to do. Choose your partners wisely. Listen to your intuition and Spirit for guidance. Take a chance on your dream.

23 November – Friday, Star     Be encouraged, dear friend. Change is coming, be hopeful. Sometimes we need to remember that things happen how we need them to, and not always how we imagine.  Follow your dreams, even if the path isn’t what you expected.

24 November – Saturday, Temptation     Don’t allow yourself to get carried away by someone else’s enthusiasm, especially if it’s not something you’d already planned on doing. Take a step back and consider things from different perspectives. Research before making a decision.



Daily Cards, Mindful Mandalas, & Inspirational Messages are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!









If you’d like to get a Personal Reading, Reiki session, or Personal Mindful Mandala from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!







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As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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