Has anyone else had a doozy of a time the last few weeks?  From the last full moon right through today’s new moon (Saturday, Aug 11), has been full of crazy change, energetic roller coasters, and some of the most vivid dreams I’ve had in a while!

And it’s not letting up any time soon. 


While the Lion’s Gate and the Eclipse season are now ending, all the changes we’ve put into motion over the last few months will continue to unroll and bring us fully on to our new path.

What to look out for this week:
  • Change is coming. You can’t stop it, so why not embrace it?
  • Do something fun. This will help raise your vibration and keep you from worrying.
  • Action creates abundance. Take steps, do something…don’t just sit there, wishing!
  • Take the ego out of it. Try to look at things through love and compassion, rather than the ego.
  • Admit when you’re wrong or don’t know. No one is perfect, so stop stressing yourself out by trying to be!
  • Self-care is absolutely necessary! Don’t neglect yourself.
  • Pay attention to your intuition. Your feelings are valid, and need to be honored.



We are each on our own, unique journey. Pay attention to the personal messages you get from your feelings, your body, and how others react around you. Look for the lessons, and act on what you need to.


You are valid. You are important. You are a blessing.





For this week’s reading, The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid.






12 August – Sunday, 36 – Movement     A swift change in job or residence.  Be flexible, as on the surface this change may not be exactly what you want – but it IS what you need. There is a growth opportunity here.  See it in a positive light, and your transition will prove to be a blessing.

13 August – Monday, 15 – The Spider    We are the co-creators of our world. Instead of being frustrated about your situation, DO something. This could even be a completely un-related activity that gets your mind off the worry, one that is fun and engaging, and allows you to lighten your energy.

14 August – Tuesday, 20 – The Cow    Every action creates a reaction. Giving time, energy, or goods will help bring more of the same back into your life. Supporting others will bring you support. Give what you can, with a grateful heart, and watch what you receive in return. Receive and share in gratitude.

15 August – Wednesday, 17 – The Stag     Be mindful of your thoughts and actions. Are you coming from a loving, balanced place, or are your actions more ego-centered. Either way, do not judge yourself harshly, simply make note and decide to make a change if you need to. Try to focus on love and compassion today.

16 August – Thursday, 5 – The Novice    “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” (Alexander Pope) So you don’t know everything. There is nothing wrong with that. Ask for help, research, learn. False bravado will get you nowhere. Be yourself, see the magic in learning and expanding your knowledge.

17 August – Friday, 27 – Earth Faery    When was the last time you did something just for yourself? I thought so. Make plans (TODAY!) to do something just for yourself. You can’t continue to burn yourself out by catering to others and neglecting you. Promise me you’ll take time for YOU today. Promise? Good!

18 August – Saturday, 28 – Water Faery    What are you ignoring? Is a situation making you uncomfortable, yet you feel you can’t get out of it? Listen to your body, to your feelings. Your feelings are valid, regardless of anyone else’s experience, and they are saying “Hey, listen to me!” Honor your emotions, and pay attention.




Daily Cards, Mindful Mandalas, & Inspirational Messages are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!

If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!






If you’d like to ask about a Personalized Mindful Mandala, created uniquely for you, email Lizbeth at lindentreeintuitive@gmail.com.


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As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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