This week we need to reflect on our personal energy, and how this impacts the world around us. How do we contribute to what is happening around us?  Can we actually change the mood of a meeting or family gathering? The shore answer is, yes! It is something we can (and should!) learn to do.

Personally, I have seen how using the Ho’oponopono prayer can shift a toxic work situation (here’s a lovely version on YouTube). The beauty of the Ho’oponopono is that you are taking ownership for contributing to a situation, and are now taking steps to fix that.



Thoughts to ponder this week:

  • Pay attention to messages that appear as synchronicities.    
  • Have you ever considered that you’re the one meant to lead the way?
  • Enjoy what Spirit is bringing you, and take time to learn what it all means,
  • Take ownership of your energy and how it impacts others.
  • Feng Shui all the corners of your life, and you will see change.
  • Be at peace.
  • Counting your blessings and clearing your space will bring big changes.






For this week’s reading, I am using Kyle Gray’s Angel Prayers Oracle Cards.



25 August, SundaySynchronicity     *You need to pay attention to signs and synchronicities you are seeing, they are messages. The more frequently they appear, the more urgent it is. With so much shifting in the energy around us these days, it is easier to communicate. What are you seeing and hearing?

26 August, MondayTrust Your Vibes    *No one can tell you how to feel about something. Pay attention to your reaction to people, places, and things. If it doesn’t feel right, trust and honor your intuition. Choosing differently from those around you can be scary, but maybe you’re the one meant to lead the way.

27 August, TuesdaySigns From Heaven     *Heaven and our angels are always around us. If you are feeling lonely or unsure, ask for them to give you signs that are unmistakable.  You can also ask for messages in your dreams, to have time to enjoy and learn what it all means, and still wake fully rested.

28 August, WednesdayClear Your Vibes     *Be mindful of your own energy, especially in situations that are highly charged. Are you contributing to the chaos? Take a moment, go within, breathe, call your energy back to you and set boundaries. Take ownership of your energy, and be mindful of the impact it has on others.

29 August, ThursdayBalance     *Balance is important today. Not just energetically, but in all aspects of life. Instead of reacting, be proactive and look for ways to bring balance into your workspace (organizer), home (schedules), and personal life (boundaries). Take a moment and do a little Feng Shui to all corners of your life.

30 August, FridaySpirit Animal     *You are being visited by a pet who crossed the Rainbow Bridge. They want you to know they are so safe & content, and ask you to celebrate the time you had together, even if it was short. You made them happier than you will ever know. Be at peace.

31 August, SaturdaySpiritual Abundance     *Abundance is a mindset, and many of us are healing the blocks and traumas around this particular idea. Start with something simple, such as counting your blessings. Along with that, clear out your closet and donate what you don’t use. This practice can help bring more abundance into your life.









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