As we move closer to the Solstice on December 21st, we may find the energy in constant chaos, which may have us feeling like we’re on a roller coaster! Know that you can always find Sanctuary in Spirit, and within yourself, too.

We are releasing so much from our current and past lives. Much of this is coming to the surface so quickly we feel like it’s a never-ending battle.

However, the more you think of it as a battle, the more it will seem so. Instead, call in your resources, your Divine Spirit Team, and allow them to help.

The main things to remember are:

Take it slow and easy – Don’t rush into something because you’re frustrated, or because someone is urging you to. Take the time to focus, research, and look at potential outcomes. This issue comes up several times during the week.

Take it in stride – Breathe, rest, and listen to your Divine Helpers. Try not to let worry fill your mind, rather, remember that a step back isn’t a failure; it’s just part of the “Cosmic Cha-cha”!

Take the time you need – How can you enjoy the journey if you are rushing through it? Your cosmic destination is ever changing, simply because it’s not as important as you think.  The important part truly is the journey!

Take “time to smell the roses” – Life holds less chaos when we take the time to be “still” and in the moment, immersing ourselves in the beauty and miracles all around us. Make this a daily ritual, and see how your life changes.

For this week’s reading, I am using Denise Linn’s Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards.

9 December – Sunday, Narrow Pathway     Now is not the time to make rush decisions. Yes, progress is important. It can, and should, continue. Small steps can have as profound an impact- sometimes life altering. Focus on the moment to moment issues, and take time to consider potential outcomes.

10 December – Monday, Valiant Courage     You may be feeling frustrated at the lack of progress. Don’t give up because things aren’t where you want them to be, or others can’t see your vision.  Take heart and make changes you can with passion and conviction. Believe.

11 December – Tuesday, Taking Shelter     It’s time to seek your own council, and listen to your intuition. Simply put, it’s time for taking care of yourself and spending time with your own Angels, Guides, and Spiritual Team. Block out the world while you rest and connect with your own Divine helpers.

12 December – Wednesday, Transformation     Amidst the chaos, you will find your phoenix spirit. Break free of the belief systems that are holding you back. You are ready to fly again, to let the fire within burn away the doubts and fears. Rise into yourself and become.

13 December – Thursday, Fogged In     The tendency to worry may be challenging you today, even if you’re feeling confident. Call on Spirit to help you through, and pay attention to the encouragement, guidance, and support you are given. You have it within you to see this through.

14 December – Friday, Wondrous Universe     When was the last time you had some simple fun? Reconnecting with your inner child is a great way to breathe in simple, pure joy, and help revitalize the positive energy around you. See through the eyes of a child, and honor your life.

15 December – Saturday, Finding Sanctuary    Take care of yourself today. Find something that nourishes your soul, and spend time with it. This week has been full of healing – both conscious and unconscious, and you have come through splendidly! Reward yourself with some pampering and relaxation. You’ve earned it!

Daily Cards, Mindful Mandalas, & Inspirational Messages are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!

If you’d like to get a personal reading, Reiki session, or Personalized Mindful Mandala from me, visit my Angels & Energy page! 

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As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki

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