There is a lot of Earth energy coming through this week, especially in the way of grounding and staying focused. When we set intentions, it’s not enough to just think & feel the outcome, we must also take steps to make things happen.

By staying grounded, we can more easily retain our focus and take action as needed to manifest our dreams, while also being true to our inner light and soul purpose.

Making changes in our lives can take time. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy because of impatience and lack of action. Allow your dreams to unfold naturally, but take action, too. Trust in Divine Timing,

Ground, center, focus.  Bring your dreams to life.


For this week’s reading, I am using Kyle Gray’s Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards

1 October – Sunday, Lord Shiva – Transcendence     Don’t be afraid to be yourself. Dance to your own drum, walk your own path. This is what you were meant to do. Honor the purpose you have been given, knowing it has been divinely inspired.

2 OctoberMonday, The Divine Director – Intervention and Purpose     We want things to happen on the timeline we’ve planned out. However, Divine Timing may have other ideas! Instead of getting frustrated with hitting every “red light” on your route, consider that those delays may be keeping you safe, as well as putting you in the right place at the right time.

3 OctoberTuesday, Horus – Cosmic Gateway    Pay attention to your dreams, especially over the next few days. You are being given information that will help bring your dreams into reality. Remember that what you conceive and believe, you can always achieve!

4 OctoberWednesday, Diana – Focused Intention     Setting intentions is important this week, as is the conscious focus on the best case scenario. As you think about what you wish to manifest, allow yourself to feel the positive energy of it. Remember to breathe into the intention, and believe it has already manifested.

5 OctoberThursday, Cernunnos – Life-force     Today is where action meets passion. Allow your dreams to propel you into doing something, into taking steps, toward your goals. We can dream all we want, but setting intentions without action can leave us empty. Let your feelings guide the steps you take today.


6 OctoberFriday, Brigid – Inner Strength    It is important to stay grounded today. This is where our strength truly lies, where we find solid footing to help us fulfill our dreams. If you can get outside today, or bring nature in to you, do so. Mother Earth has some guidance and comfort to give you.

7 OctoberSaturday, Gaia – Earth Connection     Another day to connect with Mother Earth, and the balance and grounding she provides. Give yourself the gift of reconnecting, with the earth, and with other like-minded souls. Play outside, go swimming, walk in a garden…breathe in your connection with the Great Mother.


Mindful Mandalas are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!


If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!

As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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