This time of year can be challenging for many of us, for many reasons. Whether it’s family dynamics, the frenetic energy of the consumerist society we’ve become, simple overwhelm of life in general, or any other reason – it’s okay to feel this way!


Honor it.


We are human. Perfection is not required.


It’s okay to set boundaries.  It’s also okay to tell people to back off a bit. If you are overwhelmed and need some space, make it happen.  Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty about it.





Compromise, if you have to.


Make sure you are taking time for yourself, and getting in the self-care you need to stay balanced and healthy.  Get some exercise; even just a daily walk will help.





For this week’s reading, I am using Kyle Gray’s Angel Prayers Oracle Cards


24 December – Sunday, Synchronicity     Do you believe in coincidence? Pay attention to the signs you are getting. Trust that they are Divine Guidance and Confirmation. Don’t forget to send up a prayer of gratitude for the Angels’ help. Anticipate some good news in regards to a concern.


25 December – Monday, Speak Your Truth (Archangel Gabriel)     Today is a day to for honesty and integrity – shown through the lens of compassion and kindness. Time for humble acknowledgment of our human faults and celebration of our divinity. Honor your path, honor your truth. Always choose a path of honest compassion.


26 December – Tuesday, The Miracle of Forgiveness (Archangel Jeremiel)     What is making your heart ache? For many, this time of year  is tough, it hits us to the core of our being – for many reasons. Forgive yourself for being challenged by what is going on around you. Find peace and understanding through forgiveness.





27 December – Wednesday, Shine Your Light (Archangel Uriel)     You are here for a reason. Your light is needed, because it is unique, beautiful, bright, and so important. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. Don’t worry that you might outshine others. Blaze with the brilliance of the sun, with no apologies.






28 December – Thursday, Move Your Body      Self-care is a common theme, especially this time of year. If you’re stressed, take a walk, go dancing, or find a healthy physical outlet to release the negative energy and bring in something more positive.  Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you!

29 December – Friday, Peaceful Warrior (Archangel Ariel)     Boundaries are important. Remember to honor your place in the Divine, and set healthy ones. Ask for help with this, if needed.  AA Ariel is a fierce, yet compassionate teacher, who will be at your side as long as you need her to be.



30 December – Saturday, Change & Transition (Archangel Azrael)     We are on the cusp of a New Year. Where will 2018 take you? Are you ready for the changes that await? Honor any feeling so fear and resistance. Ask AA Azrael to help you through this time, and then celebrate every step of your journey.






Mindful Mandalas  and Daily Cards are posted every day on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!


If you’d like to get a personal reading or energy session from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!

As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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