The New Year is upon us.  What will you create in this year of Metamorphosis?


Tonight, if you feel moved to do so, why not try some journaling about what you envision your 2018 looking like? Or spend some time simply thinking about it, in detail.


2018 is a year of becoming for many people. All of the challenges, changes, and roadblocks encountered in 2017 are now being cleared. For many of us, December has seen us dig deeper than ever to clear away all the spiritual, emotional, and karmic debris.






Messages I keep hearing:

Allow the past to clear.

Embrace (and honor) the fears and uncertainty.

See through the eyes of your inner child.







Things are becoming new again – like the freshness after a storm has come through.

Breathe in the newness. Feel the excitement of adventure.  Take a step in the direction of your future.  It is bright.


It is beautiful.




For this week’s reading, I am using the Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.

31 December – Sunday, 3The Empress     We finish off 2017 strong, embracing our personal power. Use your creativity to envision the New Year, and all the wonderful things that await.  Map out some action steps that you can use to chart your progress.


1 January – Monday, Princess of Spring (Optimistic, Enthusiastic, Creative, Energetic)     Creativity is the key for dreaming up an amazing year. Spring is a time of amazing growth and moving forward.  This year we can choose to  move ahead, to embrace our personal power, and follow our dreams.


2 January – Tuesday, 19 – The Sun     Make a point of focusing your attention on everything that is going right in your world. Let gratitude overflow, and remember that the word impossible actually means “I’m possible”. Watch as life unfolds as if by magic. Allow, and receive.



3 January – Wednesday, Five of Winter          It’s time to check in with your Angels for some advice and help with situations that may be challenging you right now. Be aware of what is going on around you, and if something doesn’t feel right, honor that and distance yourself.

4 January – Thursday, King of Winter (Knowedgeable, Experienced, Fair-minded, Unemotional)     Remember that you are in charge of your life. Take a step back today and get some perspective on the situation you’re concerned about. Logic, not emotion, should rule today. Be fair, even if it means you have to admit you made a mistake.

5 January – Friday, Ace of Winter          You are given a fresh start. Take an honest look at where you are, right now. Take time to visualize through meditation or journaling, what you want to accomplish in 2018. Know that you are supported by the Universe & your angels. Dream Big.


6 January – Saturday, Six of Winter     A day of Celebration! You have set in motion a wave of positive energy that will bring you golden opportunities and amazing connections. Your light is shining…and it is a beautiful Beacon for the World. Dance. Celebrate. Know that everything, at this moment, is perfect.




Check out my “2018 Year Ahead Reading – World Edition”  (posted on Jan 1st) for a more in-depth perspective on what the New Year has in store.


Mindful Mandalas and Daily Cards  are posted every day on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!

If you’d like to get a personal reading or energy session from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!

As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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