“Thoughts become things” (Neale Donald Walsh) is the theme of the week.  Our thoughts, actions, even basic energy all play into the reality surrounding each of us.

Thoughts are energy. We don’t perceive them the same as we do action, however, our thoughts can impact everything from our health, our home/work environment, and even our ability to create abundance.


Should you strive to become a Pollyanna? No, unless that kind of positivity truly resonates with you! Personally, I find trying to be positive 100% of the time not only exhausting, but virtually impossible. Humans are meant to feel a range of emotions, not just “happy”.  It’s simply not realistic.


Take a different approach.  I am learning that for me, it’s the little steps that make more difference.  Sometimes there are big changes, too, because everything happens at different speeds.


That’s the beauty of it, though! We’re all unique individuals, so the path will be unique for each of us. For some, it will be a quick, painless transformation. For “plodders” like me, it may mean a few cosmic smacks to the back of the head to make us pay attention.


The important thing to remember is to watch the energy you’re putting out there to the world, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual. Find your own path to positivity, and forgive yourself if you have a bad day or two. Instead of being a martyr, victim, or “doom & gloom icon”, get up & do something to change your reality. Even if it’s just washing the dishes.



For this week’s reading, I am using the Wisdom of the Oracle cards by Colette Baron-Reid

18 June  –  Sunday, (17 –  The Fates)     You can make your dreams happen. Wish upon that star, daydream, and BELIEVE. Divine Timing does play a part, so once you’ve made that wish, release it & allow it to happen. Know that the Universe is bringing you something even better for every step you take toward the finish line.

18 June  –  Monday, (21 Clean it Up)     Today, this card is specifically referring to our thoughts and self-talk. “What we think, we become.” (Buddha) This goes for the world we wish to create, too. It is time to put more thought into “cleaning up” the energy we are putting out into the world. Positive energy = positive world.

19 June  –  Tuesday, (31 – Why?)     Sometimes we worry too much about the “why” of things. Knowing can help us change what/how we do something, but sometimes we spend more time searching for the reason instead of forging ahead to actually make changes.  Discernment and action are the key. The “why” may unfold as you move forward.

20 June  –  Wednesday, (1 – Yang)     We are being reminded that we create our own reality, and that it’s important to pay attention to what we are creating. Action steps, even the tiny ones, have a great impact on changing our lives. Try for one step, one change each day and see where you land in a month.

21 June  – Thursday, (52 – Mending)     You are strong, “forged in fire”. Your life has not been easy. It is time to allow yourself to heal in heart and spirit. This isn’t weakness; rather, it’s self-care. Don’t you think it’s time you receive some of the compassion you show others? You are deserving, too.

22 June  – Friday, (28 – Building Blocks)     A building’s only as strong as its foundation. Diet, exercise, spiritual practices, social groups – are all part of our foundation. Have you checked it lately? Celebrate the positives, take steps to work on the challenges. Perfection not required, we are all “a beautiful work in progress.” ♥

23 June  – Saturday, (5 – Orphaned)     Being alone & feeling lonely are different. It’s okay to enjoy being alone, but don’t become a recluse. As we become, our circle of friends (& family, too) can change completely. Know that this is not a negative, it just is. Spend time doing what you love & you will meet your “family”.


Cards are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!


If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page! If you’re local, you can often find me on Saturday’s at Mystic Rose Magick in Addison (also on facebook: @MysticRoseMagic

And don’t forget to check out Angelic Realms Radio on Mondays at 4pm EST / 1pm PST to hear more about Angels, and even call in for a free mini-reading.  Lizbeth co-hosts the Monday show with Angel Practioners co-founder Maria G. Maas.

As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, and Certified Angel Practitioner™, who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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