Life is about to get very interesting. As energies shift, new paths will open up. You will have to decide which path to take.
Decisions can be challenging. Always pay attention to what your heart tells you. Follow your heart, trust, and take that first step.
Believe in yourself and make it happen.
For this week’s reading, I am using the Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.
6 May – Sunday, Princess of Spring The energy is tangibly positive today. Breathe into it, and let your dreams fly. Forget about the “what if’s”, and just imagine your perfect life. Take time today to daydream and send those ripples of energy out to the Universe! Dream wild!
7 May – Monday, Ten of Spring Within an ending is always a beginning. New ideas are coming to you, bursting forth like flowers in spring. Pick an idea that touches your heart, and put it into motion. Don’t worry about the how or why, simply trust that it will happen.
8 May – Tuesday, 0 – The Dreamer The idea you put into motion yesterday will lead you on new paths and adventures. At times, like today, you may feel unsure, but know that you are more than capable, and more than deserving! Miracles await. Take the path ahead.
9 May – Wednesday, 4 – The Emperor Sometimes you just have to show them who’s boss. Stand tall, be yourself, keep those boundaries in place. The first time you push back can be the toughest, but it makes a big difference! Just push back gently and compassionately.
10 May – Thursday, Two of Winter Choices stand before you, yet you hesitate. Breathe, and know that whatever you decide is the right decision, if you follow your heart and listen to your internal guidance. Make a pro-con list, if that helps to gain clarity, but make that decision.
11 May – Friday, Queen of Winter Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want. Breathe, balance, and become. Be patient as things unfold, and celebrate coming into your personal power. Seeing the humor in situations can help you maintain balance. Be kind to yourself.
12 May – Saturday, 3 – The Empress You were born for this. You are action, you are power, you are compassion and strength in motion. Where is your energy best placed? What steps are you taking to put your dreams in motion? Think creatively, if you feel stuck.
Daily Cards, Mindful Mandalas, and Inspirational Messages are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!
If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!
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