I love weeks that start with a full moon!  It allows me to connect with the Divine Feminine, leave behind unhealthy habits, and make plans for what I wish to accomplish in the upcoming month.


Lessons coming up for us this week include:

  • Taking a chance on that dream.
  • Maintaining our inner peace.
  • Balance, balance, balance.
  • Listen, with all of your being – not just the ears.
  • Heal the inner wounds that keep your shadow side in the dark.
  • There is time enough to do what you were sent here to do.
  • Stop thinking small – follow those wild dreams.



Our lives will change as quickly and fiercely as we allow them to. If you stay inside your “safety zone”, not much change will ever happen.


It’s time to stop “playing safe”.  It’s time to LIVE.





For this week’s reading, I am using Lucy Cavendish’s Oracle of the Dragonfae.

26 August – Sunday, 33 – Hideki’s Door     It is time to take that chance. I know you have had your trust shattered in the past, but it is important that you try again. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, gather your guardians around you – angels, dragons, unicorns – and step forward.

27 August – Monday, 4 – Apalala    Walk a peaceful path today. Find that zero point of neutral energy within you, and pull from its strength. Despite the chaos around you, peace is yours for the asking. This is a gift you give yourself and others. Share it freely.



28 August – Tuesday, 37 – Gaia’s Dragon     If you are feeling unbalanced today, carve some time out to meditate or pray. Even 5 minutes can be helpful, and make all the difference. Count breaths, gaze at a flower, close your eyes and hum a tune…bring balance back into your being.


29 August – Wednesday, 21 – The Listener     Peace, balance, quiet… there is power in the subtle strengths. How much we miss out when we do not listen.  This includes to our own self. And it’s not just about words – pay attention to physical and emotional cues, too. What do you hear?


30 August – Thursday, 41 – Dragonfae of Rebirth     Do not fear your shadow-self. It is part of you, something to be loved and cherished, just as you do the rest of yourself. It is time to heal the wounds that keep these halves apart. Acknowledge, without guilt or remorse. Forgive, accept, and love.



31 August – Friday, 7 – The Time Guardian     Stop rushing. There will be time enough to accomplish what you need to do. If you feel pulled to do so, ask for help with time – AA Metatron can help you. Just as important is to schedule a day when time simply doesn’t exist for you.




1 September – Saturday, 39 – The Blue Lady     Why do you keep listening to those who hold you back? Their limitations are not yours. Pay attention to this repeated message. You have it within you to accomplish anything you wish to. Don’t limit yourself to please others.  Dream wild, create amazing things.







Daily Cards, Mindful Mandalas, & Inspirational Messages are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!









If you’d like to get a personal reading, Reiki session, or Personalized Mindful Mandala from me, be sure to visit my Angels & Energy page!








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As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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