It’s funny how you can feel everything is going well, only to suddenly run into a roadblock of some kind. Or maybe you feel the energy completely shift from positive, exciting, and fulfilling, to a feeling of WTF am I doing?


Rollercoaster City, am I right?




What if I told you that sometimes this type of roller coaster is needed? Because some of us have to go through so many (many!) layers of pre-conditioned learning and karmic learning before we fully “wake up”, it can leave us feeling like we are on carnival rides that never end.

How do we find clarity? How do we fight our way through this fog?  The trick is to not fight it. Yep, that’s right! Sit back and use this time to find your inner “zero point”, breathe into it, and allow it to show you:


  • What you truly want.
  • What ignites your personal passion.
  • What needs to change.
  • What a change in perspective can bring.
  • What brings everything together.
  • What these changes are bringing to you.
  • What your hard work as gotten you.




For this week’s reading, I am using Steven Farmer’s Earth Magic Oracle Cards.  




12 May – Sunday, Fog (Veiled)     Today is a time of uncertainty and confusion. This is not a bad thing.  It is simply time to be still, listen, and pay attention. Use your frustration to clarify what it that you truly want is. When you are clear on that, your path ahead will also clear.

13 May – Monday, Wind (Activation)     What sparks your inner fire? What makes you giddy just to think about it, and gets you into daydreaming a whole lot of “what if’s”?  Make note of the feelings you get with that, the positive and not-so-positive. The latter shows you what you need to shift.

14 May – Tuesday, Desert (Vision Quest)     Knowing what needs to change and how to change it are two different things. Change can be terrifying, even when we know things will be better afterwards. Go gently, my friend. Find a safe space and take that first step. Remind yourself that you are worth making a change for.

15 May – Wednesday, Childhood (Innocence)     Instead of letting yourself be frustrated (again) by the same thing, take a moment to step back and look at it from different perspectives. How would a child see this? How would your neighbor see it? By seeing through different “eyes”, we can gain a better insight (into ourselves, too!).

16 May – Thursday, Green Man (Synergy)     Synergy means working together to bring about greater change. This is manifestation in action. Everything you have been working toward this week is combining with the shifting energy created as you take action steps. Notice how things are flowing more smoothly. Be encouraged by your progress.

17 May – Friday, Spring Equinox (Rebirth)     You have worked consciously to bring about great change. I wish I could tell you it will be easy, smooth, and painless, but the truth is, there will be some bittersweet feelings. Leaving behind what we’re used to for the unknown is scary…but I promise it will be worth it.

18 May – Saturday, Autumnal Equinox (Release)     As the butterfly sheds its cocoon, you are now releasing your former self. Embrace this change, and notice how your beautiful spirit is shining more brightly than ever. Getting here has been a process, a lot of hard work. Step back and notice how far you’ve come, beautiful soul.




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