The energies continue to be rather fiery this week. Old wounds are coming up for healing, as well as the reminder to love ourselves. Change will happen as quickly or as slowly as your subconscious desires it to. Embrace the change, and allow it to help you heal.


With all that is happening in the world, healing our own wounds must be a priority. It’s important to focus on what we can do, rather than being swept up into the whirlwind of chaos that continues to erupt.

Only by healing ourselves will we help the world to heal.

This doesn’t mean we should ignore what we’re seeing, just that we need to not rise to the bait of arguing, anger, and animosity. This ends up in a vicious circle, perpetuating more of the same.

It’s okay to feel angry about what you see, just don’t get drawn into giving the hatemongers more attention and energy.

“Where attention goes, energy flows.” (James Redfield) Think about it.  If you want more positive things to happen, stop giving so much energy to the negative.  Pay attention to what’s going on, but put more of your energy into positive change.



For this week’s reading, I am using the Fairy Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine.

13 August – Sunday, (Seven of Summer)      Don’t depend on “Lucky 7” to make things happen, but don’t overthink things, either. What do you want? Visualize the final outcome, and then take one step at a time to make it happen. Simplify, Focus. Create.

14 August – Monday, (Prince of Winter – Intellectual, Determined, Focused, Impulsive)            Things may seem still and unmoving on the surface, but underneath the river of inspiration and creativity is flowing. Focus your intention, and be ready to act when the timing is right. Yes, you’ll know!

15 August – Tuesday, (8 – Justice)      Balance and integrity are key. Pay attention to details, and meet any challenges with confidence and faith. Remember that “energy flows where attention goes”, so focus on what you want to accomplish, instead of the roadblocks.

16 August – Wednesday, (Five of Autumn)  Chaos and creativity go hand in hand. Use this to your advantage. Continue to focus on the outcome you wish to create, and be creative in your actions. See humor in the challenges, and have fun with them.

17 August – Thursday, (20 – Renewal)            To move forward, we must release the past. Learn from it, yes, but don’t hold on to things that keep you in the patterns you’re trying to escape. Let go, and Let God. Release, Refresh, Renew.

18 August – Friday, (King of Autumn – Compassionate, Accomplished, Charismatic, Gifted)            Step into your power. You make the rules, especially with manifesting your desires. Don’t allow others to dull your sparkle.  Instead, shine brighter, and be the light that shows them how it’s done. Reap your rewards.

19 August – Saturday, (6 – The Lovers)          True love begins with yourself – a lesson many of us need to learn the hard way.  Spend some time falling in love with who you are, flaws and all. Watch how this brings magic into your life.

Mindful Mandalas are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!

If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!

As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, and Certified Angel Practitioner™, who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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