Looking at this week’s cards, there is a story unfolding. Could this be your story? Have you been feeling frustrated by dreams and prayers un-fulfilled? Has life seemed a never-ending succession of broken expectations?
As the week progresses, the future has the potential for dreams of abundance coming to fruition through meditation, focus, and self-acceptance. Miracles and answered prayers are on their way.
Remember that your energy affects the outcome, and the more you focus on a positive outcome, as well as taking steps to encourage forward moving action. The momentum will build, and the miracles will come.
This month is full of creative energy, so use this to your advantage. Find creative ways for problem-solving, and if possible, make them fun! One of the best ways to encourage good things is to integrate fun into your life.
What are you creating?
For this week’s reading, I am using Doreen Virtue’s Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards
10 Sept – Sunday, (Dreams) What makes your soul sing? What do you dream of doing? Are you taking steps to make those dreams come true, or are you allowing fear to stop you? You have it within you to create the world you desire. Fear can be healthy, if you use it to propel you forward and not into hiding. Write a list of the things you dream of attaining. Choose one, and plan out some action steps you can take. Watch the future unfold.
11 Sept – Monday, (Abundance) Remember that abundance comes in many forms, and on many levels. We often hear that gratitude is necessary for bringing abundance into our lives, and yes, it is. If it is challenging to focus on gratitude, start small: write down 1-3 things you are grateful for every night before going to sleep. Try to write something different each time. At the end of the week, look at what you’ve written down – you may be surprised! Embrace the feelings this list brings, and let it help you move forward.
12 Sept – Tuesday, (Meditation) If you find meditation “too hard”, try counting breaths. There is no need for complicated or overly-involved meditation. Simply closing your eyes, and breathing slowly in (count to 4) and out (count to 5), is grounding, calming, and focusing. This can help you connect with your higher self, allowing you to feel the guidance available to you.
13 Sept – Wednesday, (Focus) It’s important to have a dream to focus on, one that not only inspires you, but also makes you a bit nervous. This allows you to grow and expand your experiences and abilities. It is important that you focus your intentions on seeing your dreams through, challenges and all. We become stronger as we move forward; our fears become our strengths as we work through them. Embrace the challenge.
14 Sept – Thursday, (Self-Acceptance) We are perfect in our imperfections. Part of our human journey is learning to love ourselves just as we are. It’s time to stop fighting who you are, and embrace your unique talents and abilities. Love yourself for the beautiful light you bring to the world, and allow this light to help others shine, as well.
15 Sept – Friday, (Miracles) Expect miracles. No, seriously, expect them! Look around you and notice the miracles in your everyday life. Realize that many of the “mundane” things we have around us are, indeed, miracles. This appreciation will then help bring more miracles into your life. We could all use more miracles, right?
16 Sept – Saturday, (Answered Prayer) Praying isn’t just for making requests. Prayer is also for saying thank you, connecting with the divine, focusing intentions…virtually anything. If we choose our words and focused our intentions as if they were prayer, imagine the world we could create by embracing the divinity that runs through each of us.
Mindful Mandalas are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!
If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page! And if you are local, pop up to Mystic Rose Magick this Saturday (Sept 16h) to get your in-person reading!