The time for dropping hints and stepping lightly around issues is over. It has been over for a while, but this week we are being reminded (strongly!) that it’s time to put on the “big kid pants” and get to work.



Even if you don’t know how you – just one person – can make a difference, stop and look at your daily routine, how you interact with people, the things you do without thinking about…



Evaluate what you do & how you do it to see if you are unintentionally hurting someone. If you are, what can you change to improve that?




As Maya Angelou said “Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better.’

  • Speak up for people who can’t speak for themselves.  We may live in a country that values free speech, but so many people are denied that right simply for being too different, too old,  or too young.
  • Stop ignoring opportunities. Don’t let fear stop you. Easier said than done, yes, but even if you can’t jump in with both feet, do something to get you moving in that direction!
  • Your actions and reactions can change the energy of a situation. I have personally seen an entire room of tense, bickering adults completely transform by using the Ho’oponopono prayer – in my head. When people realized the arguing had stopped and everyone was calmer, they started asking how that happened.



You. can. make. a. difference!





Walk with love. Surround yourself with an aura of love and gratitude.

Be love.

It changes your world.







For this week’s reading, I am using Diana Cooper’s Dragon Oracle Cards.

16 September – Sunday, Dark Blue Galactic Dragon     It is time to step forward and be a voice for those who have none. The beautiful result is that by helping others through your advocacy, you yourself will heal. It’s a win-win for all involved. Listen to your heart, and Divine Guidance. Listen, act.

17 September – Monday, Rainbow Dragon     The skies have been grey for so long, but watch as things begin to clear, and see a rainbow of hope appearing in front of you. Watch as miracles and opportunities are brought to you. Take a chance on one of those doors opening. Embrace joy and hope.

18 September – Tuesday, Silver Lunar Dragon     Allow the gentle, and nurturing Moon energy help you find balance and peace. Embody this energy as much as possible, and watch how situations around you begin to resolve, or at least calm down to allow resolution to begin. Be the peace you wish to have.

19 September – Wednesday, Alpha Dragon     Are things are crumbling around you?  It is likely that you are making room for a new life to begin. If you are resisting change, it may create more chaos. Instead of panic, try to breathe into the changes and daydream about all the beautiful things coming to you.

20 September – Thursday, Rose Pink Dragon     Today is about LOVE – for yourself, those around you, the world… This is the universal, transcendent love that is part of the Divine, the love that knows no boundaries, and includes everyone and everything. As you move through your day, see the difference it makes.

21 September – Friday, Magenta Dragon     You have a story to share. The wisdom you have earned through your life is important to someone around you right now. If it feels right, share your insights. You never know the impact you may have on helping someone turn things around.

22 September – Saturday, Emerald Dragon     Blessings are coming to you, now.  You have come so far, and it is time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Take a moment or two to close your eyes and breathe in the energy of blessings, remembering to breathe in gratitude, as well.




Daily Cards, Mindful Mandalas, & Inspirational Messages are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!









If you’d like to get a Personal Reading, Reiki session, or Personalized Mindful Mandala, visit my Angels & Energy page!





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As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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