What does it mean “to become”?

“Becoming” is simply a way to describe change and transformation that allows you to step into your personal power and live in complete authenticity.  2022 will bring you the opportunity to do just that.

While challenges will continue to present, there will also be hope and a bit of child-like wonder. You can influence the highs and lows can by your outlook, so here is where keeping a positive mindset can be helpful.

For 2022, I was called to use the Elle Qui Oracle by Arwen Lynch-Poe (art by Mélanie Delon ©2019 US Games Systems, Inc.).


Overlying theme for 2022:  Yelena – Wisdom, Clarity, Resolution

  • Wisdom and insight work hand in hand

Use what you have learned about yourself through the challenges and lessons of 2021 to give you insight. The wisdom you have gained over the last year will be helpful when faced with choices in the coming months.  Career choices will be at the forefront, although romance is also in the spotlight for many people.



  • Choose from the heart

When you are facing choices, go within and spend time thinking on potential outcomes.  Get input from those you trust, but the choice needs to come from the heart.


  • What feels like a solid choice?
  • What makes your heart happy?
  • What would bring you peace and/or joy?
  • What would be the most supportive?




These are some of the questions you need to be asking before making a life decision. Balance these with the questions your head will be asking (such as financial, location, etc.).  You can find more questions and guidance in my companion journal, created especially for 2022, to accompany this blog.  Download it here, for free.





  • Balance body, mind, and spirit

Balance will be important throughout the year. Not just in decision-making, but also with health in all respects.  It will be all about the little ways you can support your body, mind, and spirit.  Little ways, like treating yourself to your favorite cup of tea or coffee occasionally, taking a longer shower now and again, taking a short walk around the block to breathe the air and be outside.  There are so many things we can do to boost our mood, health, and brain, things that don’t require major changes in schedule or routine (though that may be one thing to consider if you really need it!).

  • Solutions may be counter-intuitive or unexpected.

When you are nourishing yourself on multiple levels, you will see your life beginning to shift. This is when doors start to open, and changes begin to happen.  You may be faced with making unexpected changes, and the solutions that present to you may be counter intuitive.  That is, the best answer may be the one that seems strange or different tan you may have expected.  Give it a chance, because you don’t always see what’s under the surface.

Each quarter of the upcoming year has a specific energy, challenges, and celebrations.  For the first three months of 2022, we will be doing a lot of reflection and delving deep into the patterns we’ve created in our lives.  We’ll also make some interesting discoveries along the way.

1st Quarter:  Finding your path, making note of strengths, challenges, and patterns.

JANAmalie – Curiosity, Destiny, Search.     Question everything. This is how we learn and when one question leads to another, that is a good thing. Life is just as much about the meandering path we take, along with the detours, as it is about getting to the destination. Our life is a spiraling quest, where we will continuously question where we are, who we are, and what we are doing. What we do with the answers is up to us.

FEB: Aeterna – Metamorphosis, Transcend, Journey.         You are leveling up, and with this comes some surprises. Balance is the key to moving smoothly. Also important is showing up and being present. Step into the changes with confidence and assurance. Your hard work is paying off, so celebrate the milestone.

MAR: Brise – Surprise, Discovery, Revelation.            Often the answers to our questions can be found within.  Intuition and insight, along with wisdom earned, can provide you with answers if you are willing to listen. Answers may come through a sudden revelation, or through repeated signs, such as feathers, songs, images, and more. Meditate on the information you are getting and allow answers to come to you.


Now, let’s look at January specifically, before going on to the rest of 2022:

Jan 1-8, CarlyLiberation, Unrestrained, Freedom.           You are as free as you choose to be. Follow your own path, make your own choices. Make small, consistent changes to help shift patterns, allowing you to move forward. This may be with job, relationships, or even yourself.  Look closely, with open eyes. Seek with an open heart, and willingness to learn.

Jan 9-15, ElixirRemorse, Guilt, Forgiveness.           In order to heal, you must first acknowledge and clear the energy. Forgive yourself for mistakes. You are human, after all. Work on releasing feelings of remorse about the past. Instead, make the changes necessary to move forward more positively.

Jan 16-22, EstafaniaChains, Bondage, Release. The past is the past, let it rest. If memories are painful, ask yourself why, and then ask what you need to do so you can move on. Release what you cannot control, change what you can, and be as present in the now as possible.

Jan 23-31, ConsciaSecrets, Confessions, Confidante.  You are not alone. The fears, emotions, and joys you have can be found in others, as well. Sometimes, the best and fastest way to heal is through sharing the burden with another. Confide in someone you trust and let them help you. You don’t need to do this alone.

2nd Quarter:  Challenges present; patience and determination are important.

APR: Mora – Ponder, Delay, Confidence.      If you feel overwhelmed, pause and step back.  Ask yourself why you are feeling this way. What is making you hesitate in moving forward? What are some action steps you can take to help boost your confidence?  If things are moving too fast, what can you do to keep momentum while taking tasks on in manageable bits? If it is a trust issue, what can you do to bolster trusting yourself and those around you? Little steps can sometimes get you the farthest. It’s okay to break things into small, manageable bits.  Just keep moving, rest when you need to, and ask for help.

MAY: Isra – Escape, Dreams, Fantasy.            A time of growth, when patience is needed to allow the world to catch up to you. To help keep the energy flowing and momentum up, spend time daydreaming and focusing on your dreams. Allow yourself the chance to feel your success, your accomplishments, your power. Focusing on this, rather than worries, will help you feel less anxious.  Meditation is another viable alternative for keeping the energy moving forward.  Consider these techniques as ways to feed your dreams, to help keep them alive and growing, even if the growth isn’t currently visible.

JUN: Manara – Patience, Waiting, Determination.       How determined are you to see your dreams become reality? If it is important enough, you will spend the time and effort to make them happen. Invest in yourself, and in help when you need it. You don’t have to do it all alone, however, facing tasks and finding solutions is your responsibility. Yes, you can make it happen. Yes, it will take effort. Yes, it will be worth it. Now, will you rise to the challenges?  Will you show the world who you are? You’ve got this.

3rd Quarter:  Leadership calls, it’s time to step up and into your power.

JUL: Regina – Leadership, Provocation, Power.        The time of complacency is over.  Straighten that crown and show them who they are dealing with. You are a queen with the power to make wonderous change. This also means you are responsible for implementing the changes and challenging others to step up. Stir things up a bit by standing up for what you believe in and blaze that trail. Your light is a bonfire that calls to others to participate in life.

AUG: Jocelyn – Perspective, Defiant, Persistent.      Always choose to be yourself. Explore the world, explore yourself. Don’t change to please others. Own your power, even if those around you find it different than what they are used to. Stand in that power, even when others tell you it’s “too much” – their reaction is on them, not on you. Defy the stereotypes that you’ve learned to adhere to and believe in. Blaze your own trail, create your own life. Live.

SEPT: Geneva – Knowing, Ambition, Confidence.      Choose to do what helps you be your best self. Always speak your truth and be aware of your power. Be authentic in all ways, there is no hiding any more. If something doesn’t bring you joy or satisfaction, let it go. If it diminishes you, let it go. There is no going back because you are the change, the power, the catalyst. Live the life you dream of.

4th Quarter:  Discernment, self-care, and going within to finish the transformation.

OCT: Étreinte – Swathe, Embrace, Self-care.                Breathe. Relax. So much transformation has brought in some wonderful rewards. It’s okay to step back and breathe for a moment. Take some time out to nurture yourself. Better yet, find a way to fit some daily self-care into your routine. Allow others to help, as well.  Accepting help or nurturing isn’t always easy, but it is sometimes necessary.  Continue with the work you’ve been doing, just make sure to rest, as well.

NOV: Desiree – Yearn, Longing, Pine for.       It’s time to revisit your dreams, reflecting on the past year.  Take a clear look at which goals you’ve accomplished, and which ones need to be re-evaluated. What helped the most this year, and what did not help? What do you need to shift, personally, to continue the forward momentum? Are you ready to let go of what is holding you back?  Consider all aspects and look at how you can maintain (or bring back) balance to body, mind, and spirit.

DEC: Elixir – Remorse, Guilt, Forgiveness.       The end of the year always brings a myriad of emotions. Moving forward, stepping back in the perpetual Cha-Cha of life. There were some amazing successes this year, as well as some things that were less so. This is the way of things.  Nothing is perfect, nor should it be. Celebrate the good things heartily. You have earned that right. Remember to take time out, as well, to look at what didn’t go so well and see what lessons those things hold for you.  You may be surprised to find that you can turn one or two things around to bring more success in 2023.  There are also some clues on things to shift in your life to help you get closer to your dream.


2022 is sure to bring us many surprises. The key is to approach it as an adventure.  Positivity is important, though stay away from the toxic variety and allow yourself to have bad days along with the good ones.


The most important thing to remember is that PERFECTION IS NOT REQUIRED! Give yourself the gift of being human, making mistakes, and learning from them. Even the most powerfully successful people kybosh things.


Wishing you many blessings in 2022.



As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients, guiding them on their path to self-love by creating an oasis of self-care through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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