Where are you focusing your energy? Are you paying more attention to your progress, or to what is going wrong? While it’s important to fix things that aren’t going well, remember that acknowledging the positive progress is also necessary.
Be patient. Progress isn’t always visible at first. Rest assured that if you’ve taken action steps, you’ve put things in motion. Divine timing often plays into when and where you actually see your dreams materialize.
Release what no longer serves you. It is time to stop carrying around the lessons you have already learned. Allow yourself to move on to new lessons.
Believe in yourself. You have a lot going for you, and it’s okay to acknowledge it! Repeat after me: I am amazing. I am a divine spark. I am worthy. (Repeat as often as necessary!)
Take those little steps with pride. It’s okay to feel proud about those milestones! Celebrate each one, even the small ones. I have found that sometimes the smallest steps get you farther, and they often have deeper meaning.
Random acts of kindness are always a good thing. Simple gestures, like a cup of coffee, or allowing someone to go ahead of you in the check-out line, are a great way to boost your own positive energy, especially if you’re feeling challenged. Remember to allow someone to do something nice for you, too!
For this week’s reading, I am using Doreen Virtue’s Magical Unicorns Oracle Cards.
12 November – Sunday, Light Today is a day to focus on the beauty, love, and miracles all around you. If life isn’t where you want it yet, take a moment to imagine how you would feel if it were. Simple acts of gratitude, as well, will help raise your energy and encourage more good things to come your way.
13 November – Monday, Worth Waiting For Patience is important in manifesting what you truly want. Don’t rush things. Instead, savor the journey and allow yourself to experience all you can. Do take action steps, and do practice gratitude. These will get you to your goals both more quickly, and with more satisfaction at the “finish line.”
14 November – Tuesday, Family culture If it seems like painful memories are suddenly re-emerging, pay attention. These are things you need to heal and release; they no longer serve you. Put understanding, compassion, and forgiveness at the center of your day. Make sure you are including yourself in that, as well!
15 November – Wednesday, One Step at a Time At times it may seem that you are taking as many steps back as you are forward. I like to think of this as doing the “Cha-cha of life”. Dance to the music you hear, allow yourself to savor the little steps, as well as the big ones. Those little steps can be just as profound, and often just as satisfying.
16 November – Thursday, Believe in Yourself! If you feel self-doubt to creep into your day, take a moment to remember that you are much beloved and are very important. Pick an affirmation that can help you remember what an amazing soul you truly are. Practicing random acts of kindness is another way of raising your positive energy.
17 November – Friday, Talk about Your Feelings It’s okay to speak up for yourself! In fact, it’s necessary, and often overlooked with friends and family. Just because you are close with someone doesn’t mean you should be their “doormat”. Be firm, but kind, as you explain how you feel. Both of you will feel better for clearing the air.
18 November – Saturday, Practice In life, we often need to have lessons repeated. Don’t worry if something is re-surfacing, it simply means that you are ready to tackle a new “layer” of learning. Ask for help from your angels, guides, God, the Universe…from whomever you feel pulled to call on. Pay attention to the guidance you receive, and allow the learning to happen.
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If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!