Messages from the Linden Tree for December 1st, 2019.


*When we are kids, we don’t control the story we are taught about ourselves.  As we get older, we can learn tools to help us change this.  We can learn to reframe and retell our story in a more positive way.

For some, this is done inch by inch. For others, it’s much easier. We all have our own path, and it is all valid. Honor your unique path, and allow others to do the same.

The most important part of moving ahead is getting crystal clear on what we actually want. But…how do you do that? The answer is: take the time to work through it. Make a list of what you want. What is the common thread that runs through your list? What emotions do these things bring up?  Is it the thing you want, or how it makes you feel?

Now, create a single sentence – just one! – that encompasses your one main goal. This is what you need to focus on in the next two to four weeks. You will be amazed at the difference it makes.



Remember that you can choose to…
  • Retell your personal story in a positive light.
  • Dream your life into reality.
  • Practice daily gestures of gratitude.
  • Connect to Spirit.
  • Do the inner work.
  • Make plans.
  • Clarity makes it happen.





For this week’s reading, I am using the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron Reid.




1 December, Sunday – 31 – The Prison Waif     *What story are you telling yourself?  Make it a daily practice to reframe your self-talk into something positive. Start each day by telling yourself something you love about you, and during the day, when you catch yourself in negative self-talk, reword it right then and there.

2 December, Monday – 6 – The Diamond Dreamer     *Dream your life into reality. If you feel your dreams are impossible, remember that “impossible = I’m possible.”  Keep imagining what your ideal life would look like, and then feel into the emotions it brings. Finally, take steps to help you along that path. Most importantly: believe you can.


3 December, Tuesday – 2 – The High Lord of Gratitude and Service     *Gratitude and Service can take you from despair to fulfillment. Gratitude comes from the heart and needs no words. Service to others can simply be a kind smile, word, or gesture. When we feel we can’t move forward, a daily practice of gratitude can take us leagues ahead.


4 December, Wednesday – 12 – The Eagle King     *A connection to Spirit is as important as food to keep us healthy. Consider your spiritual practice. What could you change to help you hear the Divine better, to help you connect? Listen for the guidance that is coming to you through intuition, feelings, synchronicities, and words.


5 December, Thursday – 44 – The Lady of the Mirror     *Our outer world reflects our inner world.  Notice what is going on around you that needs to change.  Do some inner reflection, such as journaling, to see what needs changing.  It’s important that you do this without judgment. It’s not about laying blame, it’s about healing and moving ahead.

6 December, Friday – 9 – The Ringmaster of Scrutiny     *Time for an in-depth brainstorming session. Make a list, create a mind-map, or outline for the goal you’ve set. Don’t worry about the “how” you will get this all done, just get the ideas down on paper, so you can visually see the big picture.  Then, plan the steps.

7 December, Saturday – 15 – The Queen of the Light     *A major breakthrough is at hand for you.  What will it take? Clarity – about your goals, and vision. Journal or work through what it is you want to accomplish and create one clear sentence describing your goal. This is your starting point. Now, make it happen.



“Hey Everybody! My friends over in The Profitable Psychic group on Facebook are hosting a FREE online video telesummit for the 12 days leading up to Christmas, beginning on December 9th.

This is a TOTALLY FREE event with lots of personal and professional development workshops to help you navigate the holiday season in a high vibe way.

All you have to do is sign up with the link below, and then join the FREE group on Facebook at

You can RSVP here >>

I’ll see you at the event!



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