HERB NAME Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa) is a member of the Malvaceae family and related to Marshmallow, Rose of Sharon, Hollyhocks, and others.


COMMON NAME:  Roselle, Jamaica sorrel, Indian sorrel


THERAPEUTIC QUALITIES & USES:  This cheerful herb imparts a lemony flavor, with just a hint of cranberry.  The bright red color is released from the calyx, or “fruit” of the hibiscus plant.  While the flowers and leaves are also edible [2], it is the calyx that is traditionally used medicinally.





Hibiscus is:

  • Antibacterial – Fights infection through killing bacteria. [3]
  • Antioxidant – Helps in the fight against free radicals.
  • Antiscorbutic – High in vitamin C.
  • Appetite Depressant – Helps to curb the appetite.
  • Demulcent – Protects and soothes inflamed tissues.
  • Digestive – Stimulates digestion.
  • Emmenagogue – Works with the female reproductive system.
  • Hypotensive – Lowers blood pressure



SYMBOLISM: In the past, hibiscus was symbolic of a woman’s “delicate beauty”, as well as feminine perfection. Asian symbolism of this flower includes personal glory and celebrity.  [4]  Another source gives additional meanings of sincerity and true love. [5]





Hibiscus is often used to help connect with higher spiritual vibrations, aiding in connection to the Divine Feminine, as well as improving psychic abilities, and in divination practices. [6] Whether used in a tea, dream pillow, or bath, hibiscus will lift your spirits and bring clarity.





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Hibiscus makes a delicious hot or cold tea, and blends well with lemon verbena (Aloysia citrodora), as well as with berries and lemonade.  Personally, I love to blend hibiscus tea with blueberries, raspberries, and a touch of lemon balm.  When I’m focusing on improving blood pressure and heart efficiency, I will add hibiscus to some hawthorn (Crataegus laevigata).

A little caution about hibiscus:  It should be avoided in pregnancy and nursing, due to the emmenagogue properties.  If used in high quantities, it may act as a mild laxative.


Other herbs that blend well with hibiscus are…

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) – Boosts energy and antioxidants

Linden blossom (Tilia, spp) – For those times with unavoidable stress (job changes, final exams…)

Rose (Rosa centifolia) – Sooths and helps you connect with your inner goddess.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) – Great for when you’re under the weather and need improve relaxation while supporting the immune system.


Available in my Etsy shop:

Divine Feminine Connection Ritual Tea Package 

Indulge your senses with a Ritual Bath, sipping a divine tea in a unique antique cup & saucer, while enjoying the gentle flicker of a votive candle.  Afterwards, pamper your skin with an all-natural, gentle lotion and face serum, to help seal in moisture and smooth away cares.

Bath salts: Bath salt blend, blend of organic rose, lemon verbena, and hibiscus.  Lightly scented with rose essential oil.

(click on image to go to my shop)

Drinking tea:  Blend of organic rose, hibiscus, lemon verbena, and linden blossom.

Lotion: distilled water, olive oil, emulsifying wax, rose essential oil.




  1. https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/27129
  2. https://www.tyrantfarms.com/hibiscus-a-tasty-addition-to-your-edible-landscape-or-garden/
  3. https://www.anniesremedy.com/hibiscus-sabdariffa.php
  4. https://www.flowermeaning.com/hibiscus-flower-meaning/
  5. https://flowermeanings.org/hibiscus-flower-meaning/
  6. https://apothecary11.com/blog/2018/08/01/hibiscus-flower-for-healing-magick/


*Disclaimer:  Linden Tree Intuitive would like to remind you to consult with your doctor for all things medical.  We do not diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any illness or disease.  All material in this blog is for informational purposes only, and you are encouraged to do your own research and question everything!




Would you like to find out more?  Let’s connect!  Contact me at lindentreeintuitive@gmail.com, or click on an image below to go to my services & mentoring pages to find out more about what I do.  If you’re local, I also offer in-person sessions & classes.



Lizbeth Russell, M.Ed, HHP, RMT received her Holistic Health Practitioner diploma through the American College of Healthcare Sciences in Portland, Oregon, She is a Wellness Mentor, Herbalist, and Kundalini Reiki Master-Teacher, guiding clients on their path to self-love by creating an oasis of self-care.

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