There is much to be said about finding our inner balance. This is not only about balancing emotions, tasks, and life in general, but also about balancing both the masculine and feminine sides of our being.

Yes, we all have both masculine and feminine aspects, regardless of our gender. To find peace, we must find the balance between. In particular, we are being asked this week to find the Divine Feminine Balance within each of us.

This may require being more observant about communication and messages we are both giving and receiving.


Being self-reliant can sometimes be challenging when we are not spiritually balanced, so a focus on self-care and recognizing our role in our success is importantRecognize the strength within, and rise to the challenge of owning your personal power.

Know that you are well-protected, and the energy shifts, both earth-bound and cosmic, may make you feel as if you’re on the battlefield.  As a being of light, you have it in you to go above the drama and chaos.

Find your balance, and you will rise.



For this week’s reading, I am using the Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine

24 September – Sunday, 18 – The Moon – Archangel Haniel     A quiet day, today is perfect for spending time in nature, meditation, or prayer. Use this time to listen to your heart, and make some plans for the future. Connect with AA Haniel, Grandmother Moon, or another matriarchal figure you feel drawn to, for guidance, support, and (if needed) a shoulder to cry on. Release your fears, and raise your face to the light.

25 September – Monday, 2 – The High Priestess – Archangel Haniel     Your strength lies within. You are more powerful than you know. Balance your Divine and human halves, and you will be on the road to peace. Nurture compassion and understanding, and forgiveness. Change perspective to gain understanding.


26 September – Tuesday, Knight off Michael – Strong, Committed, Intellectual, Diligent     Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in drama today. You know who you are, and that does not require arguing the little details. Sometime silence says the most, and standing with your convictions, quietly & confidently can help you see more clearly through the chaos.


27 September – Wednesday, Six of Gabriel     Words have power, and people do listen to you! Choose your words wisely, and use them with compassion. Today you have a “golden tongue”, use it to spread joy, love, and positive encouragement. This will help you move ahead quickly on your path – almost like skipping steps in a board game – and help you expand your journey experiences.

28 September – Thursday, 6 – The Lovers – Archangel Raphael     Listen to your heart when you speak or work with people today. Sometimes compassion makes the biggest impact and gets the best results. When making decisions, do a quick “check-in” and see if your heart agrees with your head. If not, reassess the situation to see if a different choice will yield a better result. You may be surprised at the answer.


29 September – Friday, 0 – Leap of Faith – Archangel Metatron     Choices can be confusing, and sometimes overwhelming. “What if’s” begin to fill your head and you start to doubt yourself. Stop. Remember that you do have it within you to do this! We aren’t growing if we don’t step forth with at least a little trepidation. Ask yourself this: Does it make you happy? Do you get excited when speaking about it? Does it make you feel like you’ve come “home”? Then the answer is… YES. Do. It!

30 September – Saturday, Queen of Michael – Brilliant, Self-Reliant, Insightful, Humorous     Sometimes we need our independence and to rely on what we know, feel, and believe. If you have people pulling you one way or another, it’s time to seek out your Higher Self and listen to their guidance and insight. If you know in your heart that you’ve made the right decision, don’t start second-guessing yourself. Be yourself, allow yourself to follow your heart.


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