This week has us looking at where we are, where we want to be, and how we are going to get there. Our intentions can be set in motion through creative actions, and it’s important to remember we can make the rules.
Embrace who you are.
Perspective. Something has changed. Can you feel it? The shift may simply be that your perspective has changed, and you are seeing things from an unexpected angle that allows you to see opportunities that may have been hidden before.
Creativity. Sometimes answers come to use when we are being creative. And sometimes making progress requires using creative methods. Tap into that part of yourself and see what you are truly capable of.
Boundaries. Many times our challenges can be tied, at least in part, to needing to set boundaries. Make sure yours are healthy and strong, yet flexible.
Acknowledgement. It is important to be responsible for what happens in our lives. Acknowledging our part can be done without any guilt trips, and without letting it rule your life. Change is up to you. (Hint: This is where the creative path can be helpful!).
For this week’s reading, I am using The Archangel Power Tarot by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine
22 October – Sunday, 3 – The Empress, Archangel Gabriel Creative progress is not only possible, it’s the perfect way to make positive changes and still have fun. Celebrate the abundance already in your life. Set positive intentions, and then take action to see them through.
23 October – Monday, Three of Raphael Since the New Moon there has been a major shift in energy, opening up doors of opportunity. This gives us hope and reason to celebrate. We are entering a time of potentially active prosperity which should be enjoyed to the fullest.
24 October – Tuesday, 20 – New Beginnings, Archangel Jeremiel If you’re feeling unsure of how to progress, the AA Jeremiel can help – he is a great “strategic planner”, and the perfect resource for working through the pitfalls that can make life challenging.
25 October – Wednesday, Queen of Ariel (Mature, Practical, Generous, Happy) You deserve all the pampering and TLC worthy of a Queen. Time to ramp up the self-care, and make sure your getting enough sleep, plenty of water, and good nutrition. Know that you are worthy.
26 October – Thursday, Knight of Ariel (Trustworthy, Understanding, Devoted, Funny) To make positive progress you need to make sure to set those boundaries! You have the ability to bring order to the chaos and provide for the future. Work at a steady pace to make things happen, be proactive, and make sure you are being taken care of, too.
27 October – Friday, Seven of Gabriel Watch for miracles today, because there is one on its way to you. These may manifest as things or opportunities, but also depend on your willingness to receive them. Believe that you deserve all the good things happening to you, because you do!
28 October – Saturday, Eight of Michael Eight is the number of abundance. What does abundance look like for you? What are you grateful for? It’s time to step up your game to bring more into your life. Don’t stay in that comfortable corner, step out and make your bold mark on the world. Let your soul fly, and see where it takes you.
Mindful Mandalas are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!
If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!