Messages from the Linden Tree, for March 2021

As we finish up the 1st quarter of 2021, it’s time to take ownership of creating your life.  Crafting an ideal life is a blend of several things:

  • Vision
  • Perseverance
  • Willingness


These things may require healing, or at the very least, some change in perspective. Are you willing to make the necessary changes to bring about the life you desire?



Now is the time.

For this month’s reading, I am using Rebecca Campbell’s Starseed Oracle Cards  


Mar 1-6, Your Life is a Canvas     You are the artist of your life – be creative! You hold the key to manifesting the life you want. Get very clear on what you’d like to create.  And, then make plans, take steps, move forward.

Mar 7-13, Loosen Your Grip     The key to manifesting is to let go. Clarity in what you want is necessary, however, setting too many expectations on how it will arrive can create stagnation and delay. If fear or grief are holding you back, take time to work on them first.

Mar 14-20, Trust the Timing     When you’re feeling impatient, or like time is running out, pay attention to these feelings, and then explore through them.  What is at the base of it all?  What can you do to help yourself feel more comfortable allowing things to unfold in their own time?

Mar 21-27, Cracked Open     When things are opened wide, things happen more quickly. Whether it is healing or manifesting, we need to open ourselves up to allow it to come in. The dark night of the soul makes way for new beginnings if you let it.

Mar 28-31, Surrender to the Sweetness     Take some time to enjoy the sweetness that life has to offer. Be present, in the moment, and breathe in this beautiful energy. Savor the moments, pause to enjoy and bask. The more you celebrate these moments, the more you will notice coming to you.

Download a free copy of my 2021 journal, created to accompany Messages from the Linden Tree for the entire year.



As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients, guiding them on their path to self-love by creating an oasis of self-care through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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