The full moon from last Friday hit some people fiercely. For others, it was a gentler, yet profound shift. Spend some time reflecting on the emotions and energies you felt during the full moon, and see if there’s a pattern – a lesson that needs to be learned.
Working with full moon energy is a lot like the “Mercury Retrograde” mindset: You can use the energy to get things done and propel you forward, even while on the rollercoaster of events that tend to happen, or you can expect the worst, and allow it to conquer you.
Throughout our lives, we go through what I refer to as “storms of healing”. That may be because, for me, profound moments of healing are often brought on by a major upheaval in my life.
This week, we are being reminded that these things come in cycles, and in between the chaotic moments, it’s important to take time to rest and take care of ourselves, too.
Find your peace in the chaos, the eye of your storm.
- The storm will pass, and the skies will clear.
- You don’t have to do everything at once.
- Breathe and balance to find your bliss.
- Change your roadblocks into stepping stones.
- Things often seem pure chaos as they’re falling into place.
- It’s okay if your path is different.
- Pause, breathe, reflect, and then act.
For this week’s reading, I am using the Sacred Traveler Oracle Cards by Denise Linn.
15 September, Sunday – Distant Thunder *Don’t fear the gathering storm. Its arrival heralds the clearing away of karmic lessons and agreements that have been completed and released. The storm itself may bring fierce chaos in its wake is the peace you search for. In truth, this is a time for celebration and joy.
16 September, Monday – Watching Clouds *Not everything has to be done at once. It’s okay to pause now and again to rest, refresh, and regroup. Today, listen to your body. If you need to rest, find a way to rest, even for a few minutes. Breathe and balance.
17 September, Tuesday – Stepping into Power *Healthy boundaries help keep us strong and able to do what we do. Once your boundaries are in place, make sure you maintain them. Those closest to us will challenge us the most, so that is where we must be most vigilant. Don’t back down because they’re family.
18 September, Wednesday – Overcoming Obstacles *One step at a time. Sometimes our steps will be very tiny, sometimes they’re more like a pole-vault. Both can be equally profound for us. Take that roadblock, and in your mind, make it a paving stone for moving ahead on your path. Take another one, do it again…
19 September, Thursday – In the Flow *I love it when everything seems to flow smoothly, don’t you? Feel that energy today, and allow it to help you. Even the rough spots have a certain uplifting quality to them. See things through the lens of love, joy…and humor. It’s all falling into place.
20 September, Friday – Choosing your Path *It’s okay if your path doesn’t look like others expect it to. It’s not supposed to. It’s YOUR path. Eye opening, isn’t it? Your path was created for you, with lessons for you to learn. Remember that “Success is not a destination, it’s a journey.” (Zig Ziglar)
21 September, Saturday – Impasse *What seems to be a block right now is actually a place-holder. You need time to rest and reflect on what you’ve accomplished. It’s a pause in the breath between challenges, that allows you to choose your next steps. Who knows? You may choose a completely different direction!