This week sees us diving into our hearts and souls, bringing up self-worth as well as our purpose in the world.

What is our purpose?

Some can spend a lifetime learning about their purpose, others are born remembering. The question becomes what will you do about it?

It is important to find quiet spaces this week, where you can connect with God/Universe/Spirit, and find some peace amidst the fear-mongering that is creating such chaos on the planet.

Be out in Nature when you can, breathe deeply, meditate (pray, etc.), finding your own inner oasis where you can see clearly and have the courage to let your inner light shine brightly enough to inspire others.

Help show the way out of the darkness for others. Be fiercely brilliant.  Blaze so brightly that your light cannot be ignored. You are needed. You are worthy.


It is time to step up and be seen.


For this week’s reading, I am using Lucy Cavendish’s Oracle of the Dragonfae

17 Sept – Sunday, Lady of the New BudsNurture tenderness     Today is a good day for going inward and spending time in our heart and soul spaces. Reflection, journaling and  caring for the soul is a sacred journey. Be a “soul gardener”, and watch your spirit flourish.

18 Sept – Monday, Queen OonaghA brilliant solution is on its way     A day of inspiration, creative ideas, and epiphanies. Expect answers from unexpected sources, including songs, signs, and maybe even a social media post. Allow yourself to tap into the creative consciousness that surrounds us all.


19 Sept – Tuesday, ChumaraWeb of life     It is important to remember how connected we all are – and the importance of nurturing ourselves as part of that collective. We need to see our worth through our own eyes, as well as through the eyes of others. We all have value in the “Web of Life”, we all contribute. See your worthiness as part of the whole, and honor it.


20 Sept – Wednesday, TatsuyaHave courage     Challenges are simply stepping stones. While positive thinking can get you so far, remember that action is essential to making lasting changes that bring you where you want and need to be. Know that you have it within you to make those changes, even if it’s one small step at a time.

21 Sept – Thursday, The Green Lady of Y Draig Goch Chosen one     It is time to step up to the challenges that are presenting, and take ownership of the energy you create. Look around you and see where you can make a difference, especially environmentally. Be conscious, be a role model. You are being called to action.


22 Sept –  Friday, The Time Guardian You have time     Are you feeling like there’s never enough time? Take a moment to close your eyes and just breathe. Do nothing else but take a few slow breaths, and focus on that.  You can also ask the Angels to help you with time, whether it’s to keep you on track, or even stretch it a bit for you. Time is fluid; it’s all in how we connect to it.

23 Sept –  Saturday, Wu-wang Wild, pure heart     Approach today with child-like wonder.  Be fearless, be curious, be free. Allow your heart to fill with the joy and love of the Divine. Feel the love of the Great Mother, and the natural world. Know that you are part of this, the Miracle of our existence. Embrace all it has to offer.


Mindful Mandalas are posted daily on my Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter pages, so remember to like & follow!


If you’d like to get a personal reading from me, visit my Angels & Energy page!  If you’re local, you can often find me at Mystic Rose Magick in Addison.  I am scheduled to read at the shop on October 7th & 21st, and am available other days by appointment.



As an Angel Intuitive, Channel, Certified Angel Practitioner™ & Medium™, and Certified Archangel Lifecoach™ , who has been working with Angels all her life, Lizbeth brings loving, uplifting messages and angelic advice to clients. “Facilitating Finding the Wellness Within” through angels, herbs, Intuitive Holistic Wellness Coaching and Reiki.

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